A toaster oven's dream. Raclette takes its name from the French verb ''racler'', meaning ''to scrape.'' Traditionally, Alpine cheesemakers would lunch upon boiled potatoes and cornichons, covered with melted cheese that they scraped from a nearby fire-heated boulder. Semi-soft, made of raw cow milk, and washed with brine then finished to deep, fruity pungency and salty perfection. Stay true to…
Prefere de nos Montagne comes from the Jura region of Eastern France. It is creamy and the rind has been washed to a faint stinkyness and gives a slight hint of hazelnuts. Great for those who want the impact of a washed rind cheese without being overpowering.
A smear ripened cheese washed with Hard Apple Cider. This little stinker is washed constantly through the first month of its life with a hard cider and brine solution, placing it in the family of washed monastic cheeses. The Red Beard develops a healthy coat of B. Linens during this period, turning its namesake color. As the cheese continues to…
"Fluehblüemli / Swiss Rockflower" (Primula auricula) are yellow alpine flowers that grow and find their way under humble conditions among craggy limestone rocks. Mainly found along the Swiss Pre-Alp region – also on the slopes of Mountain Dairy Kleinstein’s “home mountain” Pilatus massif - they have delighted many hikers’ hearts. They are signs of the times and recall the legend…
Sage Derby is a variety of British Derby cheese infused with sage to produce a glorious green marbling effect and subtle herb flavor. Hard to find these days, it is England's oldest and most famous cheeses originally made only for special occasions such as Harvest and Christmas. To make this cheese, freshly milled, salted Derby curd and sprinkles of fresh…
A triple cream cheese featuring a silky, rich, and buttery interior; covered by a bloomy, white rind. Enriched with pure, sweet cream, this is a delicate delight.
Deserving of its reputation as "the heavenly cheese," St. André might have an angelic façade, but there is no doubt, that it's actually straight-up sinful. Enchanting and celebratory, inside the downy rind you'll find a rich center that adds up to 70% butterfat. Seventy percent: a magic number that tells you this is the cheese for an opulent life, an…
Sheldrake Moon, named for the reflection of the moon on the waters of Cayuga Lake at Sheldrake Point, is a bloomy-rind cheese, similar to Brie in style, made from whole cow milk. As the cheese ages, the paste breaks down into a lovely cream line that gives the cheese a lusciously rich texture. Lively Run Sheldrake Moon pairs excellently with…
Shire is the result of a collaboration with Hopshire Brewing in Dryden, NY. It is made by soaking the Gorge Trail Gouda in Shire Ale, a dark malty Scotch Ale, for three days. The resulting cheese is imbued with the toasty flavors of the dark malt and a slight coffee-like bitterness.
Shire is the result of a collaboration with Hopshire Brewing in Dryden, NY. It is made by soaking the Gorge Trail Gouda in Shire Ale, a dark malty Scotch Ale, for three days. The resulting cheese is imbued with the toasty flavors of the dark malt and a slight coffee-like bitterness.
A farmstead artisanal, certified organic raw milk cow's cheese with a washed rind. ShortRound is a young cheese that reflects the intricacies of our milk. It melts and has supporting flavor that does not overtake the flavors of cookery. Our tasters love to eat it straight and then hang around in the cheese house until the last wedge is gone.
A farmstead artisanal, certified organic raw milk cow's cheese with a washed rind. ShortRound is a young cheese that reflects the intricacies of our milk. It melts and has supporting flavor that does not overtake the flavors of cookery. Our tasters love to eat it straight and then hang around in the cheese house until the last wedge is gone.
A farmstead artisanal, certified organic raw milk cow's cheese with a washed rind. ShortRound is a young cheese that reflects the intricacies of our milk. It melts and has supporting flavor that does not overtake the flavors of cookery. Our tasters love to eat it straight and then hang around in the cheese house until the last wedge is gone.
Aged four to six months, this classic from the French Alps is reproduced here in the Hudson Valley. The Tomme has a natural, edible rind, which is washed in the early part of its life for the betterment of a combination of yeasts and molds that dominate its surface flora, and guide its nature out of its infancy. The pate…
Aged four to six months, this classic from the French Alps is reproduced here in the Hudson Valley. The Tomme has a natural, edible rind, which is washed in the early part of its life for the betterment of a combination of yeasts and molds that dominate its surface flora, and guide its nature out of its infancy. The pate…
This Blue Stilton offers a tangy bite and velvety texture you crave in a blue cheese. Handcrafted from cow’s milk with blue mold introduced to produce the characteristic veining, this famous English cheese is creamy with a subtle, yeasty sweetness and a salty, nutty finish.
A simple triple crème with plenty of buttery flavor in its youth and complex earthy mushroom flavor as it ripens. Made from pure Jersey Cow milk which gives way to nothing but buttery decadence!
A simple triple crème with plenty of buttery flavor in its youth and complex earthy mushroom flavor as it ripens. Made from pure Jersey Cow milk which gives way to nothing but buttery decadence!
A simple triple crème with plenty of buttery flavor in its youth and complex earthy mushroom flavor as it ripens. Made from pure Jersey Cow milk which gives way to nothing but buttery decadence!
Rich and creamy cow's milk cheese from Lombardy is named for Val Taleggio near Bergamo in Italy's Lombardy region. Taleggio is aged in cool cellars, where it starts a pale yellow color which then darkens slightly as it becomes aromatic, assertive in flavor, and runny in texture. The DOP designation signifies the authencity and origins of the cheese. Taleggio is…
Tête de Moine AOP, literally monk’s head, is a cylindrical, smeared semi-hard, unpasteurised cheese weighing around 800 grams. It boasts a very fine consistency, which melts in the mouth. It isn’t cut; instead, it is scraped into fine rosettes using a girolle cheese curler or similar tool. By scraping the cheese, the area of the cheese that comes into contact…
Three sisters has seasonal changes as does kunik. Usually in the Spring both get firmer due to changes in barometric pressure, milk and aging room environment. Unusual winters and springs can change the flavor profiles of these cheeses. Three Sisters is made from a combination of sheep, goat and cow milks. Three Sisters has a complex flavor, firm texture and…
Beemster Vlaskaas is the newest addition to Beemster's line of Premium Gourmet Dutch Cheeses; however, is the oldest cheese recipe with the group of cheeses. When translated Vlaskaas mean Flax cheese. This delightfully sweet and creamy cheese was made only during the harvest festival of the flax for the workers to eat on thick slices of bread and with porridge…