New sale on Jersey Girl cheese from Cooperstown Cheese Company! Get 20% off of full wheels and retail sizes, offer runs 10/2 through 11/1.
Sharon Tomaselli and Bob Sweitzer of Cooperstown Cheese Company are former paper makers turned cheese makers. Their love of cheese led them to learn all they could about both the science and the art of making cheese and to create some truly unique cheeses. At the 2013 American Cheese Society’s annual competition in Austin, their Jersey Girl cheese received high honors. Along with their Toma Celena cheese, Jersey Girl was selected to be on the menu at the 2013 Presidential Inauguration luncheon!
This raw milk Colby is made with milk from Autumn Valley Farm in Worcester, NY. Jersey Girl is a creamy and very accessible cheese made with all raw Jersey cow’s milk. The flavor is big but mellow, with herbal overtones and a light refreshing grassiness. The mouthfeel is wonderfully rich and the texture smooth. The Milk is free of artificial hormones and comes from a small family farm where the cows are grazing all summer. It holds up to melting very well, and is perfect in a grilled cheese sandwich or mac & cheese.
It is creamy and flavorful, and pairs best with light crisp wines such as Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, and Prosecco. If only we knew of a place which produced a bounty of such wines…(hint: Finger Lakes Region) Head here to get your discount today.